New website design for Mckellar Park Suite in Ottawa. Having a website is like having a car. You drive it for a couple of years then you get a new one that has a nicer more modern look, and will be more reliable and attention getting. There are many cool awesome website all online, but the one main thing when building this website was to focus on the what the client wanted. When I first started creating the website there was more neutral colours. After back and forth conversations we have decided to make it green where the black originally was. When working with a client you need to remember to make them happy, especially if it’s something as simple as a colour change. Of course you as the web designer will give your recommendation, BUT this isn’t your website… it’s your clients.
If you out of town, or just looking for a place to stay when your home is getting renovation. Stop by Mckellar Park Suite, offering affordable rates, whether you need a place to call home for a day, a week or even a month.