Illustration Doodle of possible dog?…
This morning I decided to try and draw something new. Using the circle technique of building what I call “modules” I created several patterns that interlock with multiple layers of what turns out to form the vector images you see below.
Process of the illustration
I usually always start any of my illustrations on old school paper and pencil. Using the Pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I created the outline of the drawing, trying to keep the flow like Indian Ink on canvas with the calligraphy pen.
The original outlines were outlines in blue, as I was contemplated only using a 2 tone design…BUT….the more and more I looked at the Illustration I thought it would look best with a bold outline and 2 tone within the drawing for cartoon shadows and depth.
Once looking at the finish product I choose to chance the originally color which was once blue, to orange, and now to a neutral color.
A Clover?
Here is the reason why I do not like the other symbols.
Heart = Love, Romance, too lovey for me.
Diamond = self loafing, richness, bragging.
Spade = Evil Heart
So the reason why I choose the 3 leave clover is because…why not?